For security reasons the class email addresses have been removed from the nominal roll

The Class of '61 Nominal Roll
Surname Given Name Specialty Spouse's Name Email Address
George Skelly WEBMASTER Shirley
Armstrong Richard Neurology Dawna
Armstrong (Duncan) Dawna Neuropathology Richard
Beazley Gary Family Practice Liz
Bergner Harvey Internal Medicine Irene
Bishop (Rathjen) Beryl Anesthesia None
Bloom David Gastroenterology Rosalind
Bray Garth Neurology Vega
Bronstone Robert Gastroenterology Mara
Brown Ross Diagnostic Ultrasound Joan
Carlson Mel ? ?
Cheuk Cheukie Diagnostic Radiology ?
Dirnfield Vic Internal Medicine Barbara
Ditor Allan Internal Medicine Linda
Drabitt Sylvester GP & Surgery Mavis
Foerster John Internal Medicine Gisela
Guenter Clarence Int Med & Resp Med Marie
Houston Jim Behaviorial Pediatrics Doreen
Hryniuk Bill Internal Medicine Lynn
Kaarsoo-Herrick Maie Neuropathology Tracy
Kanovsky Frank Orthopedic Surgery Janice
Kussin Larry Diagnostic Radiology Sandra
L'Heureux Philippe R. Diagnostic Radiology Dea
Lo Louis Pediatrics Angela
Medved Arnold Dermatology Doris
Posner Barry Endocrinology Beatrice May
Reimer Don Anesthesia Mary
Ronald Allen Internal Medicine Myrna
Ryckebosch Jim Diagnostic Radiology Eilleen
Seah Stanley ? ?
Scott Don Diagnostic Radiology Karen
Silverberg Don Internal Medicine Myrna
Skelly George A. Diagnostic Radiology Shirley
Toews Helen Obs-Gyne None
Turner James A. Orthopedic Surgery None

If you are feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it!

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