
Welcome to the Class of '61 website. This site was posted to the World Wide Web on 30 June 2001.The aim of this site is to keep each other informed of the many interesting aspects of our lives and careers. If you have any interesting items or news about yourself or your classmates email the information to me and I will post them.


The Latest Medical Discoveries

1.Death is the number one killer in the world

2. Life is sexually transmitted

3. Women who carry a little extra weight
live longer than men who mention it.

December 2016 Dr.John Foerester

Dr. John Foerster was named a member of the Order of Canada for his contributions to health care administration and the creation of St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre. As a researcher, Dr. Foerster contributed to studies of blood diseases as well as the treatment of cancer, according to St. Boniface Hospital. He was named head of medicine at the hospital in 1975 at 40 years old. In May, Foerster was inducted into the St. Boniface Hospital Research Hall of Fame. Congratulations John, from all the members of the class of 61

September 2016 55th Reunion

The Class of 61 held it's 55th Reunion in Winnipeg, MB on 23-25 of September 2016. To see the write-up click the 55th Reunion button on the navigation column

March 2016 Dr.Eric Amann

Belated news! Our classmate Dr. Eric Amann passed away in Toronto in March 2016

April 2016 55th Class Reunion

The Class of 61 will hold it's 55th Reunion in Winnipeg, MB on 23-25 of September 2016. We all looking forward to seeing each other again and talk over old times.

April 2016 Dr. Martin Sodomsky

Just heard the bad news that Dr. Martin Sodomsky passed away in San Diego. The Class of '61 feels deep sympathy for his family at this time in their lives.

Do you want some interesting reading?? Read previous news items about the many accomplishments of the members of the Medical Class of 61. Just click on "Archives" in the navigation column.

"When I die, I want to die like my grandmother who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car." *Author Unknown

George A. Skelly M.D.

Illegitimus non carborundum